2016 /October

Start of NEO RODAS operations, from the acquisition of assets (UPI) of the Alujet factory, located in Vinhedo, SP.
2016 /November

Brand launch and presentation to customers at the Salão do Automóvel, in São Paulo (Sao Paulo Auto Show).
2017 /March

First recognition received from our client CAOA-Hyundai, as the best general supplier of the year 2016, due to the excellent developments, product quality, delivery performance and relationship.
2017 /September

NEO RODAS receives the 10th “Top Engineering” award, granted by UFMG, highlighting companies that have significant performance in the field of engineering. NEO RODAS was awarded again in 2018, in the 11th edition of the same award.
2017 /October

Celebrating one year of operations, NEO RODAS starts to operate the IMT fully automatic machining cell, and announces investment in the exclusive test equipment called “Zwarp Test”, unique in the Mercosur region.
2017 /November

in recognition of the specialized media for the expressive performance presented and for the innovative project, NEO RODAS is elected by the Autodata Magazine as the Best Auto Parts Supplier in Brazil, in 2017.
2018 /November

The company announces the investment in a new automatic painting line, to be installed throughout 2019, starting operations in 2020. The investment generates an increase in the production capacity to 150,000 wheels / month, in addition to an expressive gain in quality in the finished wheels.
2018 /April

NEO RODAS receives 2 certificates from CAOA-Hyundai, within the Best of the Year 2017 awards, in the categories Quality in Supply and Supplier of the Year 2017.
2019 /April

NEO RODAS reaches the expressive mark of 2 million wheels produced and delivered to automakers located in Brazil and Mercosul, consolidating itself as one of the leaders in the segment in the region.
2019 /October

After signing a strategic cooperation agreement with the Group A, from Colombia, NEO RODAS presents the project to customers and the market at the SAE / Fenatran Congress, held at SP Expo, in São Paulo. With this new project, NEO PARTS is created, the company that will be responsible for the Group A business together with NEO RODAS in Brazil and Mercosul.
2020 /February